Monday, February 14, 2005

Have you ever had one of those days where it feels incredibly idiotic this notion of being a poet? I am in constant war with myself. I still feel incredibly sad about not going to Breadloaf because I will be teaching. When I was at the conference I felt so confident and tonight I spent the evening just trying to find the order of the book, for like the 100 time. A book that needs to go in the mail tomorrow, a book I want to be perfect but never will be. It feels foolish today to be a poet when I am so many other things without trying.


Ivy said...

But aren't you a poet because, as SP said, "There is a voice inside me that will not be still"?

early hours of sky said...

I should say, "published poet" or even poet with a book because that is what I mean. I will always write but the manuscript was being a horrid child thus my whinning. I will get over it.

C. Dale said...

Well, I am not sure any book ms. ever feels good enough to its author. We are usually our harshest critics.