Thursday, September 23, 2004

Lonely Bird

I have been reading blogs for a few months now, some relgiously and it seems to all come back to what Laux said in the conference, that we are all calling out to each other and writing is one of the ways in which we do that.

My first poem in Pleiadas is due out in a few weeks which ironically says,

there always two searching in the night

one of the things I remember most about being a child is whipporwills and how my father would cupped his hands together and we would wait for that one bird looking, hearing and returning to us in the same lonely language.

There are some days when I feel like a poet and other days when I feel like anything but. I never read on blogs about how much writers struggle with writing and being a parent, and I wonder if they exist. I do sometimes wonder where the other birds might be.


666poetry-finchnot said...

I never read on blogs about how much writers struggle with writing and being a parent, and I wonder if they exist. I do sometimes wonder where the other birds might be.

well i'm right here teresa - - i've been enjoying your blog - i started one yesterday - i got the link to this from jenninots blog - i hope you don't mind -

i don't think i will link my blog as i'm still reeling from the beating i took @ the sand box this week -

it really made me feel depressed - not sure i want to put my stuff out there any more - - - any who

glad to see you here - we had a lice scare too - fortunately none of my kids have them (this time)


~jennx (finchy)

Unknown said...

Tweet Tweet.

I am not sure if I qualify to speak for "the writer" part because I do not consider myself one. I find that my children and my real job are my life and anything that comes in between is god sent.


Molly said...

Check out:

She's one of my favorite bloggers; very poetic in her words, struggling just like us, though she prefers the realm of fiction.

A driving force in her blog is allowing parenthood to help her writing.