Sunday, March 02, 2008

E & I spent several hours last night talking about words that are “sexy”: heliotrope, flax, diadem---(I’m giving you all mine b/c ya know, mine were better.) It was hard for me to let this game go and at two in the morning I rolled over and said, axis really loud in her ear. She didn’t ever stir and yet claims to be my true love;)

One of her writing exercises this week is to make a list of all the words which sound good to her and then use those words in a poem that she has never used in writing before. We have a running bet that neither one of us can use the word plutonium, in a way that actually works.

My conclusion: all bug words ROCK. extroskeleton, larvae, pupis
When I get old I’m going to illustrate books on insects and live out my days in tranquility.


Molly said...

Mmm, love those bug poems (I have two; my good friend is an entomologist).

I have my kids do this, only a little differently: words they both love and hate, they have to collect them throughout the semester, put them on paper and on this big sheet of butcher paper I have in the front of the room.

I have post-its around my compute of words I love: hull, unfurl, lichen, socketed, shushing, swill, winnow, silt, heron, plume, tatter.

I love words.


Artichoke Heart said...

All bug words so totally rock!