Friday, November 12, 2004

table of contents

I am tired. I worked a ten hour day and then went out and had wonderful sushi. I love sushi bars, you always have the best conversations at them. All restaurants should have long table where you sit next to strangers and eat. It is so much more fun that way except of course when it isn’t and the person next to you drives you crazy. I am friends with my sushi chef so he always gives me this special nod if the guy is whacked or worst would try to pick me up…we have a system.

Yesterday I spent most of the day working on the book and I wrote my first table of contents. If I try to describe the feeling it is going to sound really dumb but if you ever met your soul mate, you know in the first few seconds that you are saying the things you have been waiting your whole life to say, that is the way it felt when writing out the table of contents. I was doing the thing I will be doing the next half of my life. The thing I've been waiting for. There is no other way to describe it…besides that it felt sooooo cool.

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