Well I am now officially 43 minutes into my birthday and just like I did when I was a little girl and my parents would carry me into my bed at midnight and lightly whisper It is your birthday Teresa. I am here and I am not whispering. Wake up everyone IT IS MY BIRHDAY.

Shout it out.
Miss Ballard, loveliest Birthday to you ever. The world is yours today to day, to day. Many more dragonflies in your life. ~ML
O Taste and See
(Denise Levertov)
The world is
not with us enough
O taste and see
the subway Bible poster said,
meaning The Lord, meaning
if anything all that lives
to the imagination’s tongue,
grief, mercy, language,
tangerine, weather, to
breathe them, bite,
savor, chew, swallow, transform
into our flesh our
deaths, crossing the street, plum, quince,
living in the orchard and being
hungry, and plucking
the fruit.
Happy birthday lovely girl
Happy Birthday in the early hours of sky, and every time you look. Have a happy renewal. Have a poem of a day!
Happy birthday, T!
I play the Beatles "Birthday" first thing in the morning on mine. Loud. And I do a birthday dance.
Dance and sing.
Happy birthday!
Hippo Birdies to you!
Happy Birthday Teresa! I left you a birthday poem on my blog this morning, A Birth Poem For Rebecca Loudon & Teresa Ballard. Enjoy!
happy birthday t!
i hope you have the love lee est
day of all / / sun shine & smiles
big love to you!
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes I am off with my best friend for a night of dancing and debauchery.
Oh and Rebecca you were right, it was a perfect day even with the appiontment. It went well. I hope your day is just as shining.
Happy happy Birthday! I'll raise a glass for you tonight.
Thank you Peter. It was wonderful.
I can attest to the fact that Peter did, indeed, raise a glass to you. In fact, I think he may have raised several glasses. But know that your name was invoked during the process.
Well my darlings at least two of my drinks were for you;) I am so glad you were with Peter that makes me happy.
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