Saturday, November 27, 2004

the look

Okay so I am sitting in the restaurant having Chinese food, well because I just could not swallow another bite of turkey and I look around and people have the exact same facial expression. The look that says I have been alone with my parents too long and the odd phenomena about this look is that it only happens to adult children.

My kids never have it. It is hey, can I swallow you look that scares the living beejezus out of me that my children posses. Anyway it reminded me of my favorite movie “Home For The Holidays” where Holly Hunter is sinking deeper and deeper into the backseat and she glances across to another car and sees another grown adult doing the exact same thing. And then I realized MY CHILDREN WILL SOME DAY HAVE THIS LOOK

It is possible I will bore them to an almost of coma, no matter how much they love me and they will think of all the places they would rather be, the people they would rather be with and for a moment the movie wasn’t funny anymore until of course I realized, hey it could just be their father.

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