Monday, November 15, 2004

Palm Beach

Well I got accepted into the Palm Beach Poetry Festival with Billy Collins and Thomas Lux, plus Sharon Olds but I don’t have classes with her. Now I have to figure out how the heck I am going to get there and which child I am going to sell to pay for it;)

Now I am too tired to write anymore because I got up so early to have a good day....I think it kinda worked.


LKD said...

Congratulations. Alas, I will not be attending with you and Jenni (would've been cool as hell to meet both of you) as I just received my "thanks for your application but due to the large number of excellent applicants..." letter.

Just think. You and Jenni were both selected out of who knows how many applicants. I always knew you were both the shit.

I shall now proceed to crawl back under my rock.


early hours of sky said...

Laurel, Laurel come back you were waitlisted sweetie. That is great and I think it was about lottery for the most part. You do not belong under any rock...

Ivy said...

Hi, Teresa,
I found your blog via Didi Menendez' portrait page. Congratulations on your acceptance!

Wendy Wisner said...

You go girl! Congrats!

Suzanne said...

T, wonderful news! Congrats!!

Brian Campbell said...

Congrats (echo valley here). Found you too via Didi's page, & will put a link on mine. Your blog has plenty of spiff. And splush. And splosh. Like running thru February thaw puddles for the very first time (with oversized galoshes)

early hours of sky said...

Hi Ivy, I love, love your picture. I must say I am a little envious of your cool hair and glasses. Didi did an amazing job. I am glad you are here, I have read your blog before. Secret lurker that I am

Wendy, thank you. I saw a Wendy House yesterday and thought of you…

Suzanne, did I mention how much I like having you out here in blog world? I hope you are enjoying yourself.

And Brian thanks for the link. I still need to figure out how the hell to do that. I like being added to peoples pages. It is very cool indeed. I thinking about getting my mom on of Didi's mugs for Christmas….

Ivy said...

Didi's portrait of me is amazing, though I think you'd be surprised if you saw me, as I (sadly) do not have technicolour hair or blue-glassed glasses. [Though my hair has been almost every colour but blue or green.]

Thank you for reading my blog. I've enjoyed reading your archives.
