Wednesday, November 03, 2004

the view from outer space

Leroy Chiao became the first American to vote from outer space but after getting up this morning and reading the results from Ohio and Florida I don’t believe he was the only one.
All the people I know are tired and sad. Anger I am sure will follow soon. Kerry took Minneapolis by 80% and for Minnesota being a swing state, we didn’t swing very far. It was amazing yesterday to drive down the street and see people standing in the rain with their signs but I grew up in the young Republican Party and knew not to hold my breath. Having met both Bush senior and Regan while my grandfather was a senator, I know that it is not always all about sides and division but it has become that in this election.
What bothers me most is that fear seems a stronger emotion then sense? And so many decisions are made to benefit the few and not the many. I am sad. I am tired. I have the experience of growing up political, of being the only member in my four generation family to vote for democratic canadate and I should be use to this feeling of standing alone but today I am not. I am ready to move overseas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been wanting to move to Paris for a long time.
Or new Zealand. maybe eden could support jack and I?
errr....maybe not..