Sunday, May 15, 2005

Art Whore

If you were at the institute of art this morning in Minneapolis I know you saw me b/c I was that chick trying to convince all the children that they really did want to come paint but what we really did was:

~ set off the alarms at the Japanese tea house
~ look up the skirt of the Indian princess
~ burn a swan’s quill in sand
~ write in Hebrew (it is important to note here that I can write all common children’s names in Chinese, Hebrew and Hieroglyphics but I don’t know how to sort laundry)
~ drop pennies in the foundation from the second floor
~ and make spooky sounds in the mummy room

I probably did a lot of other things but this is off the top of my head. I am glad it is over and get back to this thing called writing though I feel like I have missed every deadline in the world and all I want now is a nap. However, I do know more about writing on holy scrolls then I ever thought possible.

I know how to pick a skin, soak it in lime and find the five feathers one chooses from a goose for writing so if anyone out there wants their next book to be holy, well I’m your girl.


Radish King said...

Raises hand for the holy book dealy.
Also, I want to go to my next museum with you.

p.s. I got tossed out of the Musee de Rodin for sticking my fingers in Balzac's eyehole.

early hours of sky said...

you know you might get me fired but it might be fun. Can we bring cake?

Did know for some reason they wont let you into the gallery with a highlighter?

Charles said...

Can you show me what my name would look like in Chinese, Hebrew, and Hieroglyphics?

early hours of sky said...

Yes but you have to give me a quarter and it will have to be Austin b/c my computer does not type Hieroglyphics.