Wednesday, March 09, 2005

the staff meeting from hell

Sadly I am being totally serious

So I arrived at the staff meeting to be greeted by those plastic Hawian necklaces and little plastic clappers –we are suppose to use them to cheer each other (dear sweet Jesus.) My new boss then begins the comparison of the staff to the crew of the love boat and for two hours (no shit) we list qualities that make good leaders ALPHABETICALLY. A is for Alert, B is for busy and of course I was getting ready to slit my wrists till we got to M and then for some reason my mouth yelled out MARTINI. Well, that did not go over well.

Anyway it sucks because I love teaching where I teach. I love my clients. I love the kids I work with, some people I have been working with for over five years but I don’t think I will out live this woman. She has been there 6 months now and I bet you a buck she can’t even tell you what I do, but she does seem to know all the actors of 80 sitcoms.

And to make matters worse she is the queen of paper work. I think a small tree was killed tonight with all the things I need to fill out and of course on my own time. Please, please have mercy on me and call in a bomb threat at my next meeting.

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