Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Tonight I watched a wrinkle in time with my daughters. It is the first book I have ever loved. I met Madeline L’Engle when I was 16 and she is the first person who ever told me I would be a writer or maybe she was the first person I believed.

On Allison’s blog she has a post about “remember who you are doing this for.” The fact is I am doing this for me. I have always been. It is just sometimes I forget.


Emily Lloyd said...
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early hours of sky said...

She is a great woman. I corresponded with her through out my early adult life and she always took my work seriously and believed in me a great deal. She also told me never to take a writing class and just write which seemed like great advice at the time.

Have you read the other books in the series? They are all wonderful.

Emily Lloyd said...
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early hours of sky said...

“You sure know how to attract great mentors.”
I really don’t think this has much to do with me as far as talent.
I think the universe knows I forget everything I know to be truth constantly so it is forever sending me reminders. I am also partly blind so they have to be big.

Oh and I think end of ringless light was stunning too.

early hours of sky said...

fluck I am on teeth drugs

Ring of Endless Light