Thursday, September 08, 2005

This is incredibly interesting and frightening as all hell.

Oddly this reminds me so much of being a missionary, when I went to Haiti at the ripe old age of 21. I was told by the organization that I could not eat the food in the village, they would provide me with my own food. We were not allowed to give people food, if we had extra clothes we weren’t allowed to share. It was about class and power. They used the word riot a great deal.

I never did what I was told. I snuck out at night, walked alone. I lived in the village. I bathed with the villagers. I shared everything I had as they did with me. No one was ever cruel or invasive. A human society can exist and function without segregation and power.

I haven’t commented on the hurricane b/c well there is nothing to say. We put someone in power who has proven time and time again he is a homophobic bigot. But we put him in power b/c he promised to keep us safe by something I guess we feared more.

People keep talking about what the nation has become. I lived in Haiti in 91, it has always existed in the ways we have treated other countries. It’s finally come home.


early hours of sky said...

If I change the name can I have the above photo.

Lyle Daggett said...

Wow, great post. Your own, I mean -- the stuff at the link was interesting too. (Welcome to Camp Kafka.) That had to be an amazing experience in Haiti, from your description it sounds like it was profoundly soul-changing.

And yeah -- the life that has been visited upon the rest of the world by the policies of predatory empire of the U.S. government (in its many guises) has come to the United States to live now.

A culture addicted to the insanity and rapaciousness of George the Mad and all his clones. I wonder how much longer before the addiction finally hits bottom, often enough, hard enough, and enough people finally wake up?

early hours of sky said...

I think people are awake, they just feel helpless. It is kind of like the above painting, you don’t know which are sharks and which are fish wearing shark fins. The output of media is confusing. And we have become a society which doesn’t like to think very much, it’s a far bigger problem than one man but if you take this one fact: add up the number of Americans dead during his Presidency, it's rather mind blowing.