Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Career Day

Today for career day my daughter gave a presentation on being a potter. She followed three nurses, a doctor, two mechanics and a vet. I really love my kids. She spoke about what a wonderful job it would be to have when you grow up because you can get really, really messy and no one tells you to wash your hands. And you get make anything you want out of mud, she then showed her mud balls to the class. It’s pretty safe to say she was a first grade hit. Sadly there were no poets....


David Vincenti said...

{/IRONY} Is there such a thing as a career in poetry?{/irony}

I've heard it said that only first graders speak the real truth. My first grader seems to understand my day job well enough (biomedical engineering = "making shots so people won't get sick"), though her friends would rather hear from the firefighters, I think.

And on a positive note, though it's not career day, I am going to their school during YPPW as a poet to do a little workshop with one of the classes. Any chance you can represent our art that way?

Suzanne said...

Now, your daughter, she's my kind of girl! :-)

early hours of sky said...

Dear David, I think the irony is that being a poet is what I want to be when I grow up:)

Suzanne, you could have had her this morning, it took her 45 min to get out of bed. She really needs an evening elementary school.

666poetry-finchnot said...

when asked by his 5th grade teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up, my son replied: well i'd like to work for b.c. gas (his father's job) or i'd like to work for famous people (his step father's job) but i don't think i really want to be a poet when i grow up - - - i was heart broken - lol ----- i think a career in pottery can't be much worse that a career in poetry - Ha - - hope you are having a wonderful day teresa


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