Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Yes I Accept

Today I felt horrid so I called in sick. I find the older I get the less I want to push my body or I find that when I do “push” my body it breaks. I began my official role as editor today and spent a few hours doing submissions. I am reading the stuff that already has been gone through so it has not been painful at all. It is teaches me a lot about my own submissions and lord love the people who know how to write a good cover letter, those ones that go on and on do not built you up for a good poem.

Today helped me understand those “near miss letters” which I bitched about a few weeks ago. The fact is, I am one of several people who need to accept a poem before it goes to print. I found one poem out of about 20 that I loved but the other have to love it too or at least like it a great deal. So okay, I am growing up a little, it was actually kind for those editors to write to me and tell me my poems were thrown around at the staff meeting because that means someone (god loved ‘em) wanted my work and was willing to fight for it.

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